Politecnico di Milano

Dario Polli
Main Project Coordinator
Dario Polli is Associate Professor of Physics. His research focus is on coherent Raman microscopy, ultrafast/non-linear optics, time-resolved pump-probe and Fourier-transform spectroscopies.
He published >100 papers, cited >5600 times. H-index=35. He’s also passionate about technology transfer and science divulgation.
He published >100 papers, cited >5600 times. H-index=35. He’s also passionate about technology transfer and science divulgation.

Giulio Cerullo
Giulio Cerullo is Professor of Physics. His research focuses on ultrashort pulse generation, ultrafast spectroscopy and coherent Raman microscopy.
He has published >450 papers, cited >30000 times (H-index: 92).
He is a Fellow of the Optical Society and the European Physical Society.
He has published >450 papers, cited >30000 times (H-index: 92).
He is a Fellow of the Optical Society and the European Physical Society.

Renzo Vanna
Task Leader
Renzo Vanna is staff scientist at IFN-CNR, Politecnico di Milano. With a PhD in Molecular Medicine and 7 years of experience in applying Raman spectroscopy in the clinical environment, his main goal is to apply new photonic technologies to biomedical problems.
He is member of “Raman4Clinics” and of the International Society for Clinical Spectroscopy (CLIRSPEC).
He is member of “Raman4Clinics” and of the International Society for Clinical Spectroscopy (CLIRSPEC).
Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology

Juergen Popp
Unit coordinator & WP Leader
Juergen Popp holds a chair for Physical Chemistry at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, and is also the scientific director of the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena; Germany. Juergen Popp is an expert in clinical Raman spectroscopy.
In CRIMSON Juergen Popp is the leader of work package 1 “Broadband CRS in the fingerprint region”.
In CRIMSON Juergen Popp is the leader of work package 1 “Broadband CRS in the fingerprint region”.

Thomas Bocklitz
Task leader
Thomas Bocklitz is head of the department “Photonic Data Science” at Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology. Thomas Bocklitz’s main expertise is the use of machine learning and chemometric techniques to link Raman spectroscopy and CRS data to biomedical application scenarios.
Thomas Bocklitz contributes to CRIMSON’s WP3.
Thomas Bocklitz contributes to CRIMSON’s WP3.

Tobias Meyer-Zedler
Tobias Meyer-Zedler is heading the research group molecular imaging within the research department spectroscopy/imaging at the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology. Tobias main expertise is the use of fiber lasers for realizing compact microscopes and endoscopes for CRS and other nonlinear imaging methods.
Within CRIMSON, Tobias contributes to work package 1 investigating broadband CARS spectroscopy.
Within CRIMSON, Tobias contributes to work package 1 investigating broadband CARS spectroscopy.

Lavinia Meier-Ewert
Local responsible for communication
Lavinia Meier-Ewert worked as a journalist for various newspapers and is currently a scientific editor in the Public Relations and Research Marketing Department at Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology.

Hervé Rigneault
Unit coordinator & WP leader
Hervé Rigneault is a CNRS research director and leads the Mosaic group at the Fresnel Institute. His research fields encompass ultra-fast optics, linear and nonlinear spectroscpy and imaging in microscop and endoscopy.

Siddarth Shivkumar
Siddarth Shivkumar is conducting his PhD research at Fresnel Institute and works on ultra-fast coherent Raman spectroscopy performed in the time domain.

Claire Guene
Local responsible for communication
Claire Guene is a CNRS staff and holds the Public Relations and Research Marketing at the Fresnel Institute.

Samuel Métais
Postdoctoral researcher
Dr. Samuel Métais is an engineer with expertise in wave physics, optics, and multi-wave phenomena. He holds a Ph.D. in applied wave physics from Sorbonne University and has conducted research at Johns Hopkins University. Currently, as a Post-Doctoral fellow in the Crimson Project, he focuses on developing broadband coherent Raman spectroscopy and imaging techniques.

Sisira Suresh
Sisira Suresh received her Integrated Master’s degree in Photonics from the International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, India in July 2021.
Her research interests in nonlinear optical microscopy motivated her to join Fresnel Institute under Prof. Hervé Rigneault in the framework of the CRIMSON project.

Italia Bongarzone
Unit coordinator
Dr. Italia Bongarzone is a biologist with experience in biochemistry and cancer cell biology. Responsible of the MALDI-imaging Laboratory at the Fondazione IRCCS INT, Milan.
Task leader in the CRIMSON biology unit dedicated to study cellular senescence.
Task leader in the CRIMSON biology unit dedicated to study cellular senescence.

Silvia Ghislanzoni
Young researcher
Silvia Ghislanzoni, Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology with know-how for fluorescence microscopy–based imaging.
Research Fellow at the Fondazione IRCCS INT, Milan. She is fully dedicated to study cellular senescence in CRIMSON biology unit.
Research Fellow at the Fondazione IRCCS INT, Milan. She is fully dedicated to study cellular senescence in CRIMSON biology unit.

Angela Greco
Dr. Angela Greco, Biologist, Head of the Molecular Mechanisms Unit at INT (Milan).
Involved in preclinical studies for the dissection of the molecular basis of thyroid cancer onset and progression. These include: oncogene-induced senescence and related paracrine effects, and therapy-induced senescence.
Involved in preclinical studies for the dissection of the molecular basis of thyroid cancer onset and progression. These include: oncogene-induced senescence and related paracrine effects, and therapy-induced senescence.

Antonella Tomassetti
Antonella Tomassetti, Degree in Pharmacy with experience in molecular, biochemical and cellular biology applied to cancer research. Senior researcher in the Unit of molecular therapies at Fondazione IRCCS INT, Milan.

Delia Mezzanzanica
Dr. Delia Mezzanzanica, Biologist with extensive experience in immunology, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology applied to the field of oncology. Responsible of the Molecular Therapies Unit at the Fondazione IRCCS INT, Milan.

Guido Kroemer
Unit coordinator and WP leader
Guido Kroemer is a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Paris and Director of the team “Metabolism, Cancer and Immunity” of the French Medical Research Council (INSERM).
His work focuses on the pathophysiological implications of cell stress and death in aging, cancer and inflammation. With over 1400 articles and an h-index of 254, he is Europe’s most cited researcher in biomedical research.

Isabelle Martins
Task Leader
Isabelle Martins is currently a Senior Scientist in the laboratory “Metabolism, Cancer and Immunity” where she investigates several aspects of cell death, metabolism and cancer developing technological innovations.
She is the head of the biological experiments within the CRIMSON project.

Allan Sauvat
Allan Sauvat is a research engineer specialized in light microscopy and data sciences. He leads the developmental branch of the PACRI HTS Biocell Platform. He is responsible for the image-based validation of cell phenotypical responses within the CRIMSON project.

Sylvère Durand
Sylvère Durand, PhD, is the team leader of the mass spectrometry facility of Gustave Roussy. He manages projects from targeted quantification to global profiling of various biological matrices. Within the CRIMSON project, he does the metabolomics analysis of the in vitro and in vivo samples.
Jena University Hospital

Orlando Guntinas-Lichius
Unit coordinator
Orlando Guntinas-Lichius is otorhinolaryngologist and head and neck surgeon. He is professor and head of the department.
He is much interested to develop innovative biophotonics tools for medical diagnostics, especially for head and neck cancer.
He is much interested to develop innovative biophotonics tools for medical diagnostics, especially for head and neck cancer.

Franziska Hoffmann
Scientist & Local responsible for Communication
Franziska Hoffmann holds a postdoc position in the working groups MALDI Imaging & Innovative Biophotonics. In 2018 she did her Ph.D. in Biology.
For CRIMSON, she coordinates the pre-clinical studies and uses the new device to be developed in combination with (immuno)histology and MALDI Imaging to investigate tumor immune cell interaction.
For CRIMSON, she coordinates the pre-clinical studies and uses the new device to be developed in combination with (immuno)histology and MALDI Imaging to investigate tumor immune cell interaction.
AFS Jena

Tino Eidam
Unit coordinator
Dr. Tino Eidam, physicist, CTO at Active Fiber Systems GmbH. Tino’s main expertise covers optical fiber technology, ultrafast laser systems and nonlinear frequency conversion.
Within the CRIMSON consortium he coordinates the research and development of the fiber-laser sources acting as the front-end for the planned imaging setups.
Within the CRIMSON consortium he coordinates the research and development of the fiber-laser sources acting as the front-end for the planned imaging setups.

Sven Breitkopf
Local responsible for communication
Dr. Sven Breitkopf is Head of Sales at Active Fiber Systems GmbH in Jena, Germany. He received the Diploma degree in general physics and the Ph.D. degree from the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena, Germany, in 2011 and 2018, respectively. His research interest was focused on high average power ultrafast fiber lasers, enhancement cavities and coherent pulse combining techniques. From April 2018 to April of 2019 he was a project manager at Active Fiber Systems GmbH before being promoted to coordinate the global sales activities.
Lightcore Technolgies (LCT)

Gaelle Brevalle
Gaelle Brevalle graduated with an engineer diploma from PolyTech Lille in 2016 and got her PhD in 2019 from Rennes Univ in the field of bi-frequency VCSEL. She joined Lightcore Technologies in 2021 to develop specialty fibers and 3D micro-printing used in LCT technologies.

Yong Jian Wang
Research engineer
Dr. Yong Jian Wang is a research engineer at Lightcore Technologies in Marseille, France. With a background in physics, Dr. Wang has spent many years conducting biophysical research. At Lightcore Technologies, he is responsible for developing the multimodal microscope and endoscope for use in both fundamental scientific research and biomedical applications.

Dylan Septier
R&D engineer
Dr. Dylan Septier is a Research and Development engineer at Lightcore Technologies. With a PhD in applied physics, Dr. Septier job is focused on developing and applying new technologies to nonlinear endoscopy.
Cambridge Raman Imaging Ltd.

Matteo Negro
Unit coordinator
Matteo Negro is Chief Technology Officer and Director at Cambridge Raman Imaging Ltd.; he has more than 10 years experience with laser technology, first as a Researcher in Ultrafast Optics and Lasers and then as a Laser Engineer and R&D Manager in a medical laser company, part of the Lumenis Ltd. group.

Paul Mantle
Exploitation Manager
Paul Mantle is a Commercialisation Manager at Frontier IP Group Plc., Cambridge. Over the last 20 years Paul has led 5 global businesses as Director and CEO based at various times in Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong and the UK. Between 2013 and 2016 he was a member of the University of Cambridge technology transfer team, leading the commercialisation of a number of innovative technologies.

Matteo Bregonzio
Unit coordinator & WP leader
Dr. Matteo Bregonzio is a Senior Data Scientist with a strong technical and business background working as Head of R&D at 3rdPlace. In 2011 Matteo received a Ph.D. in computer science with specialisation in machine learning and data mining from Queen Mary University of London. In the same year he started working as financial derivatives analyst at IHS Markit (London). Later in 2015, after a short experience within Barclays Capital as senior analyst, moved to BNP Paribas (London) where he worked on OTC trading. In 2017 Matteo left the UK to join 3rdPlace in Milan.

Manuela Bazzarelli
Data Scientist
Arrived at 3rdPlace in 2018 after graduating in Mathematical Engineering (Applied Statistics) at the Politecnico di Milano. As a data scientist I analyze, process and model data and interpret the results to create actionable plans for companies and other organizations.

Leone De Marco
Data Scientist
Arrived at 3rdPlace in 2019 after a stint in academic research (PhD in Bioinformatics). As a data scientist I analyze, process and model data and interpret the results to create actionable plans for companies and other organizations.

Elia Broggio
Data Scientist
Elia Broggio joined 3rdPlace as a Data Science intern in December 2021 developing the web application RamApp as part of his Master’s thesis in Computer Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. In January 2023, He joined the company full-time and started working on the tasks related to WP3 of the CRIMSON project.

Francesco Dello Vicario
Junior Data Scientist
Arrived at 3rdPlace after a 1-year internship, Francesco Dello Vicario work as Junior Data Scientist.
He graduated in Computer Engineering (Automation Systems) at Roma Tre University, obtaining training both in the development of automation / management processes and in the field of programming languages.
Along with his work, Francesco is studying for the Master Degree in Computer and Automation Engineering (A.I).
Along with his work, Francesco is studying for the Master Degree in Computer and Automation Engineering (A.I).