Compact, alignment-free and all-fiber picosecond laser source for CARS microscopy delivering synchronized pump and Stokes pulses from a single fiber end. This air-cooled...
Conventional chemotherapeutics and ionizing radiation can promote therapy-induced senescence in tumor cells in vitro as well as in patients, contributing to or being responsible for tumor recurrence. Here we show...
Cambridge Raman Imaging’s new website is online! Here you can reach the company, meet the team, and find the latest updates including the exciting advances related to CRIMSON project. Cambridge Raman Imaging, is also happy to...
Multimodal non-linear optical microscopy allows the study of tumor liver cells in a non-invasive way and in the total absence of exogenous markers, with an acquisition speed compatible with in-vivo applications (2 min for images 300×300 pixels, pixel size 350nm). The combination of Epi-CARS...
CRIMSON project has started!